We at DesignersX sincerely hope this app will help you solve some of the daily problems by reminding you to do tasks. This extension lets you schedule a reminder to recur regularly, on certain days of the week, during certain hours, with an alert or notification, and a destination URL. This version of the app is here with some basic but useful features and more advanced features are still being coded. Download Remind me later (Faster Bookmarks) for Chrome, Remind me later (Faster Bookmarks) Extension, plugin, Addon for Google Chrome browser is to Quickly. Add Calender Events for Birthdays & Anniversaries Add To Do tasks with or without Reminders It helps you by opening the related app on your phone so you just confirm the action & do it. Help Center, U.K Help Center, Canada Help Center, Australia Help Center. To get the most out of Google Home, choose your Help Center: U.S. Important: You should always use a passcode on. It also helps remind you to lock the Nest × Yale Lock when you’ve left home. Its more than a To Do list & Even more than a To Do list with reminders. Remind Me notifications help you remember to arm or disarm Nest Secure. The app can used as a digital companion which simply reminds you of tasks which you can do with your phone & want to do, But busy schedule does not let do them on time. Catch missed calls and offer to call or add reminder. To send and receive reminders from somebody else, both people must.
Android Wear Support and Notifications. Create reminders for yourself or others in your household, and get notifications at the time you choose. Easy category selection by sliding down The layout is careful crafted for user to set reminders with ease.

Have a user friendly, fast & intuitive User interface for user to manage everything with just the thumb holding the phone with 1 hand. Remind Me is a simple yet useful reminder app for your daily tasks which you forget to do & for which your mobile can easily help.